Monday, July 24, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Here are some pictures of our newly painted and redecorated bathroom. We're hoping the bright yellow will help wake us up every morning!!
There are a few more little things we need to do to the room, but for the most part it is done. Now we have officially repainted every wall in this house since we bought it 2 years ago. Now, we need to get to work on the outside of the house!!

There are a few more little things we need to do to the room, but for the most part it is done. Now we have officially repainted every wall in this house since we bought it 2 years ago. Now, we need to get to work on the outside of the house!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Happy Birthday to Me!!! Today is my 33rd birthday. Wow, how did I get so old?!?!?!
We went to my parent's house this past weekend to celebrate my birthday. And the best part about it is that we left our kids there for this week! We will pick them up next Saturday. So, what have I been doing without any responsibilities? On Monday and Tuesday I worked on running errands and redoing our bathroom. I painted and redecorated it in bright colors. It has a lot of blue, yellow, orange, and lime green. The walls are about the color of a school bus....very bright. Todd helped me finish last night so I wouldn't have to worry about it on my birthday. So, today I can do whatever I want!!! I hope to do some scrapbooking today. When Todd gets home from work we are headed out for a birthday trip. We are staying at a bed and breakfast tonight and then he'll be off from work tomorrow. We still haven't decided for sure what all we are doing, but it will be nice to get away no matter what we do!
We went to my parent's house this past weekend to celebrate my birthday. And the best part about it is that we left our kids there for this week! We will pick them up next Saturday. So, what have I been doing without any responsibilities? On Monday and Tuesday I worked on running errands and redoing our bathroom. I painted and redecorated it in bright colors. It has a lot of blue, yellow, orange, and lime green. The walls are about the color of a school bus....very bright. Todd helped me finish last night so I wouldn't have to worry about it on my birthday. So, today I can do whatever I want!!! I hope to do some scrapbooking today. When Todd gets home from work we are headed out for a birthday trip. We are staying at a bed and breakfast tonight and then he'll be off from work tomorrow. We still haven't decided for sure what all we are doing, but it will be nice to get away no matter what we do!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
While we were in Maryville, we got to spend a day with some friends at the Knoxville Zoo. It's always great to see old friends! We used to spend lots of time with Avery and Dana Sexton and it was quite an adjustment to move away and not see them anymore, so were were very thankful to get to see them for a while!
We arrived at Todd's parent's house last Monday, July 3rd, for our vacation. Later that evening his parents got the phone call that Todd's Grandma had passed away. So, after shopping for funeral clothes that we had not packed, we spent a couple of days in Lebanon, TN for her funeral. His grandmother had not been herself for the last several weeks, so we are rejoicing that she is in Heaven and not suffering on this earth anymore!
We arrived home on Sunday evening around 8 pm. After we finished unloading I went to my neighbors to get our house key, the mail, etc. They also were checking our mouse traps in the house so I asked if they had caught anything. Well, no mice were caught, but they said they caught a shrew in our house! UGH! It was so big that the trap didn't kill it completely and it was able to drag the trap around the house before it died. Our neighbor found it in the middle of the kitchen floor, and the trap was originally in our living room by the entertainment center. When you come home from vacation you are supposed to enjoy being in your own home and not be grossed out to be home!!!
All of our neighbors have had mice in their house in the last week. We think the problem is caused by a house behind us. It is a miniature farm and they have pallets of chicken feed sitting outside. We think these rodents are being fed and multiplying over there and then coming in our houses when it gets really hot outside. So, if anyone has suggestions for how to get rid of this problem, please let me know!
All of our neighbors have had mice in their house in the last week. We think the problem is caused by a house behind us. It is a miniature farm and they have pallets of chicken feed sitting outside. We think these rodents are being fed and multiplying over there and then coming in our houses when it gets really hot outside. So, if anyone has suggestions for how to get rid of this problem, please let me know!
Monday, July 03, 2006
It's vacation time! Todd is taking off from work the rest of this week, and we are headed to Maryville, TN to spend some time with his family. We're hoping to see some friends that live in the area also. We are looking forward to a great week!

This is a great class sponsored by the local Pilot Club. Brandon thoroughly enjoyed it!!!