Forever Young

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Bekah enjoys doing "school" with us! She wants to be right in the middle of everything we do which drives Brandon crazy! It drives Mommy crazy too sometimes! Bekah is a great little singer. She doesn't know all the words but she can hum the notes or make up her own words and she is perfectly in tune! She gets that from her Daddy!


Today we celebrated Brandon reaching his Book It reading goal for the month. This is a program sponsored by Pizza Hut encouraging children to read. Brandon has to read 5 books completely on his own and then he gets a certificate for a free personal pan pizza. He also gets a card (like a credit card) that has a clip for a backpack with spots for stickers on the back. Each month that he meets his goal he gets a sticker to put on his card for that month. If he meets his goal every month for 6 months he gets a little trophy. Brandon was so excited to get his reward this month and have his own personal pepperoni pizza! (Of course the rest of us enjoyed going out for pizza too!)

Monday, October 24, 2005


Well, some of you may be wondering....yes, we got the minivan. As of Thursday night around 10 pm it was ours! We pray it will be a good vehicle that will last a long time! We will take it on its inaugural trip to Tennessee this coming weekend. We will be going to Maryville, Tennessee to visit Todd's family and celebrate his mom's birthday on Saturday!
This past weekend we went to Boo at the Zoo. They have trick-or-treating for kids every year and Brandon always enjoys it. This year Brandon was a fireman and Bekah was a ballerina (see picture). When we first moved to Louisville, our neighbors invited us to go with them so we have made it a tradition to go every year. It's hard to believe we've been here for almost 3 1/2 years! Some of you may be wondering how long it will take Todd to finish school. Well, that is a good question! After this semester he will have 54 of 94 hours completed, so we have a long way to go! Todd has slowed down with his classes so that he can serve as education minister at our church. We like it here, so we are not in any big hurry to finish and move away. Speaking of our church, we just celebrated our 53rd anniversary this past Sunday. The celebration included a slide show of pictures throughout the years. It was neat to see the history of the church and see how God has worked in the life of the church.

Monday, October 17, 2005


We had a great weekend. On Saturday morning we went to the Falls of the Ohio. It's a great place to hike around and search for fossils. We didn't have enough time to do that, but we hope to go back sometime soon. We did tour the museum there and saw a live bird show. We saw two owls, a hawk, an eagle and one other small bird. It was a lot of fun and very educational. We also spent some time searching for minivans this weekend. We found one that we are seriously considering purchasing. It is a gold colored Mazda MPV with 95,ooo miles. We are hoping to make a decision this week.
I always like to pass along funny and interesting things that my kids say. This past week Brandon was talking about Daddy not working on Saturday and Sunday. He asked if all stores were closed on Saturday and Sunday and I told him no. He said, "but no one can work on Sunday because they have to go to church!" Don't you just wish that was how the world operated?
Most of you know that Todd has been serving as the interim music leader at our church. Well, our church has just hired a music leader that will start next Sunday. So, this was Todd's last Sunday to lead in this capacity. He does enjoy leading worship but is relieved to have one less thing to do each week.
Have a great day!

Friday, October 14, 2005


We are all enjoying this great fall weather. We have our house decorated with scarecrows and pumpkins and the kids love it. Last week we went to a fall festival in our town called Harvest Homecoming and Brandon got to pick out a real pumpkin. We placed it out in front of our house. Bekah loves to see it when we get home and she calls it "puntin." As we drive down the road she will notice pumpkins in other people's yards and say "puntin, puntin!!" She is learning so many new words lately and it is very exciting!

Thursday, October 13, 2005


It's been a while since I have been on here. I need to get in some routine for updating this on a more regular basis. I will try to do that.
We are plugging along with life as usual. I have been enjoying homeschool especially lately as we are learning about the geography from the Bible times. There have been some catchy stories and phrases to help you remember what the area looks like and the names of things. I must say this is the first time in my life that I could look at a map of that area and tell you where the Dead Sea, Jordan River, Red Sea and other places are. How cool that Brandon gets to learn this when he is 5 instead of 32!
Tonight I'll be starting a new Seminary Wives Institute class called Conflict Management. I am very excited about this class. I have briefly looked at our textbook, called The Peacemaker, and it looks really good.
As for going to Mississippi, I am hoping to go November 5-12 but am awaiting final confirmation of that.