Forever Young

Thursday, October 13, 2005


It's been a while since I have been on here. I need to get in some routine for updating this on a more regular basis. I will try to do that.
We are plugging along with life as usual. I have been enjoying homeschool especially lately as we are learning about the geography from the Bible times. There have been some catchy stories and phrases to help you remember what the area looks like and the names of things. I must say this is the first time in my life that I could look at a map of that area and tell you where the Dead Sea, Jordan River, Red Sea and other places are. How cool that Brandon gets to learn this when he is 5 instead of 32!
Tonight I'll be starting a new Seminary Wives Institute class called Conflict Management. I am very excited about this class. I have briefly looked at our textbook, called The Peacemaker, and it looks really good.
As for going to Mississippi, I am hoping to go November 5-12 but am awaiting final confirmation of that.


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