Fundraisers and Home Study
Along with the key chains we are selling, we are also selling these bracelets that Todd is making. He has ordered several different colors of paracord so he can make them in team colors or whatever color you like! We are also selling these for a $10 minimum donation.
We are also collecting lots of donations for a big yard sale. We are so thankful that our friends Scott and Liz have allowed us to use their basement to store our stuff in, and they will let us have the sale at their house. Their home is in a much more visible location with more traffic than we get at our house. Plus, we have nowhere to store the donations aside from the middle of our living room floor! We are hoping to have our sale one Saturday in April, depending on the weather. We are so blessed with so many supportive friends who are willing to help us. Our friend Allison has offered to have her girls and Bekah make some baked good to sell and our pastor, Roger, even offered to cook some BBQ to sell! We are praying that God will use all our efforts to allow us to bring home our daughter! Wednesday evening will be our home visit by our social worker. We have been preparing the best we can, but don't know really what to expect. I've talked with one friend who recently had a home visit and done some reading to try to find out what to do. We have checked to make sure we have working smoke detectors, I went through the medicine cabinet and threw out any outdated medicine, we made sure we have fire extinguishers within easy reach, we purchased gun cases and locks and locked up the guns, we moved Todd's knife collection to a higher shelf, we purchased child safety locks for the cabinets (we don't have to install them since we don't know when we'll get our daughter but we have to show that we have them available), we made sure we have outlet covers in our outlets, we have cleaned and organized, and I'll clean some more on Wednesday before she comes. She is planning to arrive around 5:30 and she said we can eat dinner while she is here. She said we can expect the visit to last at least 3 hours. So, we are preparing and praying and look forward to being one step closer to meeting our daughter!