Why China?
I have had several people ask me why we are choosing to adopt from China, so I just thought I'd answer that here. When we first decided to adopt we looked briefly at domestic adoption. I'm not sure I really gave it a fair chance though, as I was apprehensive about the birth mother issues that could arise in the future. I didn't want to be fearful of a birth mother changing her mind or coming to find her child someday or even of my child finding her birth mother some day. I'm sure we've all heard horror stories, and I'm sure that things like that don't happen often. However, we just decided we'd rather pursue an international adoption and not ever have to wonder about any of those issues arising. So, then we looked online at many different countries and their programs. Each country has its own set of regulations and criteria to adopt from there. So, we basically decided to search for the country with the lowest costs for adopting and the shortest in-country stay that we qualified for. Through this process we ended up narrowing it down and trying to decide between China and Ethiopia. Originally we weren't sure if we wanted to adopt 1 or 2 children, which can make a difference also when choosing a country and a placing agency. Things can be different when adopting siblings or 2 unrelated children versus just adopting one at a time. So, finally we decided we wanted to adopt one little girl, and since China as a whole does not really value the life of females, it just seemed like the right choice. So, no, there was no voice from the sky telling us to choose China! Really it was just a process of elimination and following the desires of our hearts! We can't wait to meet our daughter from China!
At 7:29 AM,
Sara said…
we are so excited for your family. We know that the Lord laid a particular desire on your heart for a reason, and that He has a very specific girl in mind waiting for you in China. I can't wait to see how the Lord will work
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