And here is Brandon giving his nurse a shot! They did a lot to educate him on how to take care of himself. And yes, he really did give her a shot that just had saline water in it. What a crazy nurse!!!

Brandon had to learn to take his shots in his stomach which he did not like. He got lots of "pep talks" from Daddy. You can see in this picture that he is not happy. Every time he would get himself so worked up he would be red, clammy and sweaty. He would clench his hands shut when they wanted to prick his fingers. Mommy and Daddy did a lot of pep talking!

It was really important that he eat as soon as he had his shot, but as you can see that would be hard on him. He'd have to calm himself down to be able to eat. Usually a promise of some Nintendo time would help to calm him down.
We spent 2 days and one night in the hospital. We got lots of education from the nurses, diabetes educator and dietician. The big thing was for us to go home, Mommy and Daddy had to be ready to take complete care of him which meant giving him shots and pricking his finger about 4 times a day. At supper time on the second day, they let Mommy and Daddy be in charge and do it all without the nurses's help. We survived and so around 7 we could go home.
Let me just say I HATE doing this to Brandon. I have never liked needles, finger pricks, blood or anything like that. It's not that I just don't like it....I hate it, and it often makes me pass out! But, when your child's life is on the line, you do what you have to do. And God is good to give us the strength that we need when we need it (and usually not before!). If anyone had told me before this happened what I'd be doing to my son I would NEVER have believed it! I also had some motivation from the fact that I did NOT want to spend another night in the hospital! That was terrible, and I knew they wouldn't send us home if I couldn't do it. My first thoughts were, "Well, Todd can deal with stuff like this, so I'll just let him take care of it." Then I quickly realized that would not work. I was the one who'd be home with him every day! Todd isn't even home on Thursdays (he leaves at 6:30 am and returns at 10:30 pm). So, I would have to get over it and just do it! So, I did it and we got to go home which was great except now I had the responsibility of taking care of my son. How will I know if he's too high or too low or what do I do when it happens???? Well, all that would come in time and for now I just have to trust that God is in control and he loves Brandon more than I do. If it is Brandon's time to die there is nothing that I can do to prevent it and if it's not his time, there is nothing I can do to cause it! Of course I hope his time isn't for many, many years, but what comfort in knowing that I am not in control of that!!
Just in case you are wondering, Bekah ended up staying with my neighbor all day and all night and the next morning until my friend, Kara, picked her up. Kara kept her the next day until we got home that night. I am SO THANKFUL for great friends who will do things like this for us! It's hard to not have family close by when things like this happen, but God is so good to always provide for our needs!
And just a side the midst of all this happening while we were trying to get to the hospital my minivan was overheating. We had to drive around with the heater on and the windows down and worry about breaking down on the side of the road (which thankfully didn't happen). And then someone backed into Todd's car while it was parked in the hospital parking lot!! Life is always interesting!!