Off we go, into the wild blue yonder...
For my birthday this year, Todd got me a ride on a biplane! He tried to schedule it for my birthday, but it didn't work out, so he gave me a gift certificate and we scheduled it for a later date. I have often talked about wanting to go hang gliding or sky diving, so Todd tought I would enjoy a ride in an open air cockpit plane! And I did; it was lots of fun! The one thing that surprised me was how hot it was. Because of the windshield, you couldn't really feel the wind blowing and the engine of the plane was very hot. Nonetheless, it was a very enjoyable experience! The pilot would make sharp banks so we could see better off the side of the plane. At one point he said that we seemed like daredevils and offered to do a "lazy 8" maneuver. So, we said sure, and it was very cool.....very powerful g-forces! Here are some pictures from our fun experience!

At 9:48 PM,
Kara said…
Thats so cool!
At 4:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello, Heather. I found your blog purely by accident, and imagine my surprise to see the Waco Taperwing that I once flew years ago. What a graceful old bird! It just didn't feel like I could do anything wrong when I was flying that plane. Exhilarating! That's the best word for it. I hope you enjoyed the ride.
(I live in Indy)
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