Last week we got a little more than 4 inches of snow at our house. So, of course the kids were thrilled! It was a great sledding snow, but not so great for making a snow man. Some neighbors across the street have a great hill in their back yard, so all the kids on the street hung out in their back yard with their sleds. Bekah enjoyed spending time with Liberty because the schools were closed on Thursday and Friday. We drank lots of hot chocolate, hot tea and hot apple cider because it was verrrrrry cold! And we got to make some yummy snow cream to eat also! We also enjoyed eating snowflake Ritz crackers and reading books about snow from the library. Fun times!!!

I didn't have any snow pants for Brandon, so he just wore lots of layers. I did later find him some snow pants, so we're hoping for more snow this winter so he can try them out. His snow boots are officially too small for him now. He's worn them for several years, and this year after wearing them he couldn't get them off and I couldn't get them off. Thankfully, Daddy was able to get them off him! So, he got some new snow boots to use next time it snows too!
I didn't have any snow pants for Brandon, so he just wore lots of layers. I did later find him some snow pants, so we're hoping for more snow this winter so he can try them out. His snow boots are officially too small for him now. He's worn them for several years, and this year after wearing them he couldn't get them off and I couldn't get them off. Thankfully, Daddy was able to get them off him! So, he got some new snow boots to use next time it snows too!