Here are the kids working hard on school. They typically do not work in the same room together because they are distracting to each other, so this is a rare occasion. We have been plugging along at school and are now in our 9th week of the year. Brandon has been learning about ancient Rome and what the world was like at the time when Jesus was born and growing up. He really does love learning about history and recalls history facts very well. In math, he has been mastering fractions this year. He can now add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. The kids have science together, and we have been studying the 5 senses. Last week they learned about sound waves and the inner workings of our ears.
Bekah has finally decided that reading is fun, and she wants to read all the time! She is working on adding and subtracting in math. She still loves to color and do art projects as often as possible.
On a typical day, Brandon gets up at 7:30 and gets ready for school. He has school time with Mommy first and then goes to his room for independent work while Mommy does school with Bekah. We break for lunch, and that is when Mommy reads aloud a chapter book to the kids. We are currently reading The Bronze Bow which is a fictional story about some children who were alive during the years of Jesus's earthly minstry and how he impacts them. We usually do science together after lunch, and then the kids do chores. Then Brandon has to finish up his independent work, and Bekah and I take turns reading. I read a picture book to her, and then she reads one to me! At 4:00 Brandon goes to karate on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Fridays we have art class or Boys Book Club and then Bekah goes to dance class. Bekah is in a Keepers club on one Monday afternoon of the month, and we are a part of a science club that meets two afternoons a month. We stay very busy and the time passes quickly. I haven't planned an official fall break, but we may have to take one soon!