Last Saturday was Brandon's Transformers Birthday party. We had a total of 9 kids come over for pizza and cake! Before the party we gave Brandon a Transformers shirt to wear, a Transformers plate and cup to use at the party, and his own copy of the old Transformers movie!

The whole gang!
The boys enjoying their pizza.
More pizza eaters!
Of course Brandon's favorite part was the presents. He got a Nerf gun, some Legos, a movie, a Playmobil pirate ship and an alarm clock. Poor kid, he just doesn't have very many toys! ;-)
Brandon picked out the cake from Wal-Mart. His decision really had nothing to do with the cake, only the fact that it came with an actual Transformer toy on top of it!

We let all the kids watch Brandon's new Transformer movie (the old cartoon one).
The girls decided that laying on the floor was the best way to do the Transformer party blow-outs!
Brandon is showing off his new Nerf gun with his friend Tyler (we got Tyler his Nerf gun for his birthday!)