Forever Young

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Monday was Todd's birthday so he took the day off from work. He has been wanting winesap apples forever and they never sell them in the stores. So, we went to Huber's orchard to pick some for him. (We also picked some Fuji because those are my favorite!!) The kids had a great time picking apples as well as some of the other attractions they have there.
Later in the day, my neighbor watched the kids and Todd and I went to see the new Pirates of the Carribean movie and we ate dinner at Outback. I think Todd had a very nice birthday.


Todd's birthday is Sept. 25th and my sister-in-law's birthday is Sept. 20th. So, we went to Columbia this past weekend to celebrate these occasions. Mom always makes whatever kind of dessert you want for each birthday. Todd got an apple pie streusel thing and Cathy picked sugar free peanut butter cheesecake. Brandon got to blow the candles out for Cathy because she wasn't feeling well and didn't want to get her germs all over the cake.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Brandon lost another tooth a couple of weeks ago. That makes a total of 5 teeth he has lost. He has gotten in 2 of his permanent teeth, but has 3 holes in his mouth! No corn on the cob for him!! He will be singing a new song this Christmas...."All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth, my 2 front teeth...."

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Brandon gets to try his hand at boxing in his karate class on Saturdays. Today we purchased his safety equipment for the class, and he has been wearing it around the house most of the day!! He is so excited about sparring with his teacher!

Of course Bekah had to try out the equipment too!


Brandon lost another tooth this past week. He was chewing his vitamin and realized that he swallowed his tooth along with his vitamin! This was one of his bottom teeth, not the other front tooth that is barely hanging on. Since he had no tooth to put under his pillow, he came up with the idea of taking a picture of his mouth and putting the picture under his pillow.

It looks like the picture worked! The tooth fairy (or the tooth Daddy as Brandon calls him) left him $1!!