Update on Brandon!
About a week ago my 11 year old baby boy lost his very last baby tooth!

It seems like it wasn't too long ago that I posted that he lost his first tooth! You can check out that blog post by going here: http://heatherbyoung.blogspot.com/2005_11_01_archive.html
and then scrolling down to 11-22-05.

I think my baby boy has grown up! That was 6 1/2 years ago! Now he is no longer a little kid, but has become a young man. Our prayer for him is that he will love the Lord with all his heart and follow Him all the days of his life!
In other news, Brandon had his quarterly endocrinologist appointment this past week. He got a great report and his A1C was 6.8!! That is the lowest it has ever been! We had talked about switching him to a pump last year but realized that even with insurance, it would cost us significantly more than the shots he is doing. It just didn't make sense to spend the extra money for the pump right now as we are trying to save all we can for the adoption. And, since his A1C numbers have been so good, it's not a medical necessity for him at this point. We will probably talk about the pump again later as we have heard that it really helps regulate blood sugar numbers during those crazy teenage years! (Which will be here very, very soon!)
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