Karis Joy Young
Well, we've been holding out on showing off pictures of our new daughter until things were official. I think we've waited long enough, so here is our daughter...Karis Joy Young!

So, we had figured out that we'd probably be travelling to China to get her sometime in April. Then we got an email from our agency several weeks ago that said we should be ready to travel in late March or early April! Then, this week we got another email that said it could be even in late April! Ugh. I am soooooo tired of waiting. I feel like I've been pretty patient throughout most of this process, but I'm quickly running out of patience! I want my daughter to be home with us now!! It's still a possibility that we could travel in late March or early April, but there are no guarantees. We are confident that we will go at just the right time that God has planned for us. So, you can pray that my patience lasts that long! And while you're at it just pray that the CCCWA (China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption) gives us travel approval quickly and that we can get at appointment at the US Consulate in Guangzhou soon!!
At 7:44 PM,
Shelly said…
What a sweetie! Congrats guys!
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