Forever Young

Friday, February 29, 2008

Lots of Gold and Lots of Toys!

We found Trump International Hotel & Tower while we were walking the streets of NYC! It was filled with lots of gold and marble.

This is looking down at a waterfall inside the tower.

Then we enjoyed checking out FAO Schwarz, including the famous piano on the floor seen in the movie Big. By the way, if you are interested, you can purchase one of these pianos for your own home for only $250,000!

This is another store that our kids would have spent all day in and still not wanted to leave. We thought Bekah would like this rotating Barbie fashion show.
And Brandon would have been excited to see all these Lego creations also!


  • At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Those are sweet legos! I didn't get to see them when I went to FAO.


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