Forever Young

Monday, February 18, 2008

More Valentine's Day Stuff

These are the homemade Valentines that the kids made for their grandparents. They really enjoy making craft projects, especially Bekah. The day after Valentine's Day, Bekah said she wished every day could be Valentine's Day. I asked her why, thinking she would say something about getting presents or going to McDonalds or watching a movie. She said, "so I could make cards every day!" She will ask me almost every day if she can make something. She is completely happy with paper, pens, string, scissors, glue, etc. and will entertain herself for a long time making something creative!
The kids also made Valentine cards for their Daddy. They hid them in their rooms and sent him on a scavenger hunt to find them. Bekah gives great clues like, "look in my closet...look right here by this box..."

Brandon's was much harder to find without the helpful clues. Todd finally had to play hot and cold to find it!


  • At 8:54 AM, Blogger Kara said…

    I totally dig the teenage mutant ninja turtles mask brandon has on!


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