Forever Young

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What's New

Well, what's been going on with us? Life is busy, as usual. Todd started out this semester completely overwhelmed with his Greek class, so he ended up dropping it. So, he only has one class this semester, which is very nice! (Although it just postpones him ever finishing!) His car has been having lots of problems lately, so we've decided it's time for him to get a new one (well, not new, but new to us). I really hate car shopping! Thankfully Todd doesn't, so he has spent lots of time looking for a new one. We took his old car to Carmax to see how much it was "worth." A whopping $250!!! I guess a little trade in is better than no trade in, though.
We all enjoyed Valentine's Day. I got roses, lotion and an awesome steak and shrimp dinner! Since Valentine's Day was on a Wednesday, I had Bible study at church. When I got home, Todd had dinner ready and the kids tucked in bed. So, we had a "date" without hiring a babysitter!
Daddy wanted to get Bekah flowers too, so he got her this mini rose bush. You would be surprised at how much she loves it. Sometimes when she first wakes up, she just wants to hold it. She loves to look at it and talk about it all the time.
And Brandon got a gun!!

Brandon also recently tested in karate again. Now, he is a purple belt!! He is very excited because he gets to play with knives now! Of course they are plastic, but he is practicing defending against them.

So, all is well here in New Albany, Indiana. Hopefully we'll have news of a new car before too long to share!


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