Bekah's Party!
Sunday, November 26th was Bekah's 3rd birthday. We checked out of our cabin that morning and drove over to Todd's parent's house in Maryville, where we had her Barney birthday party. We had lots of family and friends that were able to come and celebrate with us.
Bekah and Candace enjoying their pizza!
Brandon is happy to have some time to catch up with old friends, Sydney and Will.
All the kids were excited about the cake and ice cream.

Bekah got lots of great birthday gifts. Mommy and Daddy got her this bicycle and helmet. She had been asking for a pink bike and a helmet like Brandon's.
The weather was great and the kids were able to play outside in the leaves and enjoy Papaw and Grandma's big swing.

The weather was great and the kids were able to play outside in the leaves and enjoy Papaw and Grandma's big swing.
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