Brandon had his last basketball game of the season this past Saturday. He is very much improved from when he started basketball last year. He can dribble pretty well and make baskets sometimes. I think we might try karate next and I am guessing he will love it! He is much more interested in fighting than playing with balls. We'll see....

This is Brandon and three friends after the game. The four of them all live in a row on our street. Our neighborhood is lots of fun! We really are thankful to have great neighbors and lots of kids for Brandon and Bekah to hang out with.
At 1:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey be glad every day you live in an area where your kids see other people during the day. We live around nobody. We are going to the circus Tuesday for Evan's birthday. Can't wait. He'll be four. I have tried reintroducing the potty. Just sitting on it before naps after meals when he wakes up. We'll see? Miss you guys-those kids are beautiful. When did Tessa get engaged?
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