Forever Young

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


We don't have too much going on right now other than the usual, church, work, etc. It's finally really cold here, but still no snow!
We did get free tickets for the circus from some friends. So, we are looking forward to going there on Thursday night this week. Brandon has been before, but it will be Bekah's first experience at the circus. They both want to ride the ponies at the circus (Brandon got to do that the last time we went and he remembers). Bekah loves to "ride" anything. She will say "yeehaw" and try to ride whatever she can find. We need to get her one of those ponies on a stick for her to pretend to ride. Right now she'll use Brandon's swords or guns and run around the house with them between her legs and yell "yeehaw!" Anytime I lay down on the floor she tries to roll me over so she can "yeehaw" on my back! The other day she put her sippy cup down on the floor and straddled it and said "yeehaw!" What a silly girl!
Brandon has been going through a growth spurt lately. He's actually been eating, which is a change for him since he is never interested in that! I put some pants on him the other day that he had gotten for Christmas. At Christmas they were too big, but they fit just fine now! In just a short while we will be planning his 6th birthday!!! That's crazy!!!


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