Forever Young

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Snow Day!

Well, we finally got a little bit of snow....maybe an inch or so. But it was enough for the kids to enjoy playing in! It was a very wet snow and stuck together well to make snowballs and snowmen. The trucks that scrape the roads are always slow getting to our neighborhood, so the packed down snow where cars had driven on the road made for good sledding. Then when the scraping truck came the kids were not happy about it! We got the kids the round blue sleds about 3 years ago and this is the first time they have been able to use them.

Bekah was scared to sled down the road, but was "coerced" into riding with Mr. Chris. Then she decided it was fun! Although she wouldn't go by herself she enjoyed riding with Mr. Chris and several times with Mommy too!

Snowball fights!

Now it's time to make a snowman.

Bekah calls the snowman Frosty Girl!
Snow angels!

This is way more fun than doing school! (Although we actually got in a half day of school after we came in and got warmed up!
By mid afternoon, most of the snow was melted. When Bekah noticed this she said "I need to go outside and see if Frosty Girl is dead yet."


  • At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You have such cute kids! So glad you got enough snow to play! We had a little ice so had to stay home from work (Maryville, TN).


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