On June 15th our boy turned 11 years old! He is getting so big! We enjoyed celebrating his special day. Here is his day in pictures:

We typically decorate for the kids' birthdays after they go to bed the night before. When Brandon awoke, he found this on his door!

More decorations in the house!

He got to open some gifts from Mommy and Daddy. This new backpack was one of his favorites. He's been wearing it around the house!

He was also excited to get a pocket knife!

After Daddy left for work, the neighbors came over and brought gifts! He got a GameStop gift card and a DS game.

Brandon wanted to go to McDonalds for breakfast with his friends!

Everyone enjoyed a McGriddle!

Then we went to the Free Summer Kid's Movie at Great Escape which was Megamind! Our friends, the Prestons, also came to the movie.

After the movie, Brandon's friend, Asa, came over for the afternoon. He made Brandon this cool sword and axe out of PVC pipe and duct tape!

They enjoyed playing the Wii together!

For dinner Brandon wanted to eat at Cracker Barrel. He got his favorite food, pancakes!

Mommy and Bekah enjoyed Cracker Barrel too!

At Cracker Barrel they give you a free dessert on your birthday. Brandon chose the multi-berry cobbler with ice cream. Yum!
After dinner, Brandon wanted to do something with Daddy, so they spent some time playing the Wii together. That was the end of his special day! But now he's looking forward to a laser tag party with a few friends on Monday night! I'd say he's a pretty blessed kid!
At 9:23 AM,
Sara said…
He is a very blessed kid :) and not just because of his wonderful day but because he has amazing parents that love him more than he can understand at this stage in his life. God is so good :) You and Todd show me so much of what family is supposed to look like, something that I am still trying to grasp and understand as I grow and raise my own.
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