Forever Young

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Back to School!

School starts today!! Brandon is starting the 2nd grade and he is very excited. He has seen the curriculum and can't wait to start studying world geography, maps, animals from around the world, etc. I warned him that 2nd grade does include things like reading, spelling, and math too!

Todd starts classes at the seminary today. He has a Tuesday and Thursday morning class at 7 am before work. It is a class about humanity and sin. Then on Thursday evenings from 7-10 he has a preaching class.

We celebrated with our annual back-to-school party at home. Family Fun magazine always has such great cake and dessert ideas. This one is a frosted brownie! Yummy!


  • At 2:14 PM, Blogger Kara said…

    looks fun! How did it taste?

  • At 5:47 PM, Blogger Mary said…

    What an awesome cake! The icing looks terrific! Me & icing are on bad terms with one another...and the icing usually teams up with the cake to make my life as disastrous as it possibly can be.

    Wow, I give Todd a lot of credit for taking such an early morning class. 7am should just not exist, period. :)


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