The Birthday Boy
In honor of my mother-in-law who can always tell the tales of her 4 children's births......" I remember 7 years ago today...." I was induced for labor around 7 or 8 am and Brandon was born at 5:18 pm and I became a mother! What an awesome day. I still remember smelling that "baby smell" on my hands and realizing that I now had my very own baby! Time has flown, but it's been 7 years since that wonderful day. We always try to make our kids feel special on their special day. Here is the story of Brandon's day!
He was excited to find balloons and streamers decorating the house.
Of course, the best part is always the presents!

Brandon's Grandmom and Grandpa got him a Leapster for his birthday, so he was very happy to get a new game for it.

Brandon could not decide what he wanted for breakfast....either donuts or his Daddy's french toast. He finally settled on the french toast and picked out some cinnamon raisin bread to make it with.

Then his buddy, Asa, came over for his birthday.

We took everyone to Holiday World for a fun-filled birthday!
There were lots of many that we didn't have time to do all that we wanted to.

Look out! A 7 year old is behind the wheel!
I'm not sure who had more fun on the bumper boats....Todd or the 2 boys!

This roller coaster was one of their favorites. Bekah wasn't too crazy about it though.
One of the best parts about Holiday World is the water park. Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures because our camera isn't waterproof. We kept it locked up in a locker while we were in the water park.

Everyone enjoyed a break for some ice cream!

We stayed until the parked closed and did as much as we could squeeze in. We didn't even stop for supper until almost 10:30 when we spotted a McDonalds on the way home. After a very fun day, the boys finally crashed at just a few minutes before midnight. Brandon had invited Asa to sleepover. (And because Brandon only has one sleeping bag, he slept in Bekah's Cinderella sleeping bag. Bekah was not very excited about this and she told him it had "girl germs" on it!)
Brandon awoke on his birthday and had to "unwrap" his day! He said that he thought he was in jail when he woke up.

Brandon's Grandmom and Grandpa got him a Leapster for his birthday, so he was very happy to get a new game for it.

Brandon could not decide what he wanted for breakfast....either donuts or his Daddy's french toast. He finally settled on the french toast and picked out some cinnamon raisin bread to make it with.

Then his buddy, Asa, came over for his birthday.

We took everyone to Holiday World for a fun-filled birthday!

Look out! A 7 year old is behind the wheel!

Everyone enjoyed a break for some ice cream!

At 11:41 AM,
Kara said…
looks like a fun party!
I tagged you! Check out my blog to see the rules! Can't wait to read the 5 things you dig about Jesus!
Praying for you!
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