Brandon made his fist trip to the dentist today. He was so excited to go and then as soon as he sat in the dental chair his excitement turned to terror! They showed him the suction tube first and he did not like the fact that it made noise. After several attempts to get him to open his mouth, the hygienist told me that she might need to refer him to a pediatric specialist dentist. She said she would leave and give me a few minutes to talk with him and I could tell her what I wanted to do. So, after I talked with Brandon, he agreed to open his mouth "just one time" for her to clean his teeth. So, after he tried it he realized it wasn't that bad and he braved it out! She cleaned and flossed them and gave him a flouride treatment. Brandon didn't like the mouth insert that held the flouride and he kept spitting it out, so she "painted" it on with a Q-tip. When he was finished he got rewarded with stickers, 2 toothbrushes, toothpaste and a trip to the toy chest to pick out a toy! Next, it was mommy's turn to have her teeth cleaned while Brandon waited patiently in a chair. The dentist said that I REALLY need to have my wisdom teeth out. They've been telling me that for about 10 years now, and I've never chosen to have it done. Maybe this time....
I am planning to go to Mississippi this Thursday, the 3rd. I am going to go with a group from my parent's church in Tennessee. It will be a shorter trip, but seems to work out better with our schedule. I'll return on Sunday the 6th. I am excited to finally be getting to go and help out! I hope to be able to go again later since this recovery effort will be going on for quite a long time.
I am planning to go to Mississippi this Thursday, the 3rd. I am going to go with a group from my parent's church in Tennessee. It will be a shorter trip, but seems to work out better with our schedule. I'll return on Sunday the 6th. I am excited to finally be getting to go and help out! I hope to be able to go again later since this recovery effort will be going on for quite a long time.
At 8:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
we will be doing this next month with evan-I am not looking forward. Hope your trip to Al goes great! Elijah and emma did ok with the teeth stuff-but elijah needs fillings! JOY!!
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