Forever Young

Friday, May 29, 2009

School's Out!

Today is our last day of school for the year!!!! Yeah!! We are all excited! It's been a good year, but it's always good to wrap it up and get a fresh start next year. We have just finished studying ancient Greece so we're planning to celebrate by going out to eat at a Greek restaurant tomorrow. We'll be busy this summer I am sure. Todd is taking an applied ministry course so he's already been very busy with that. We have some friends coming to see us for a week in June. Then the SBC will be in Louisville, and we have some friends coming to see us that week also. The kids have swimming lessons, Brandon has his art show and a birthday to celebrate. Bekah has her first dance recital. Todd and I will celebrate our anniversary and we'll have Father's Day. I'll have a birthday in July and we'll have VBS at church. We're hoping to keep our nephew for a week sometime over the summer. We hope to take trips to the zoo and the park and ride bikes and have picnics. Before we know it it will be time for school again. Then I'll have a 4th grader and a 1st grader. That's crazy! Happy Summer!!!

Finally Some Easter Pictures!

Easter morning was pretty cold, and Todd and Brandon had gone to the sunrise service at our church. Brandon was still warming up!

New Wii games!

Bekah had been wanting Cooking Mama and was so happy to get it!

Todd was thrilled to get Guitar Hero Metallica too!

Posing with friends at church!

Bekah and Kyla picking flowers after church.

Our 2 Cuties!

Just the girls!